Tori-toge Pass Route

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Tori-toge Pass Route

Foot of Fuden-toge Pass to the Kitayama-michi Path toward Yoshino
About 5 Km, 2 hrs. round trip to and from Senmaida-Tori-toge-Iriguchi bus stop


Senmaida-Toritoge-iriguchi Bus Stop → 1.2 Km 20 mins. → Starting Point →
0.7 Km 30 mins → Tori-toge Pass → 0.5 Km 10 mins. → Maruyama-bashi Bridge →
0.6 Km 10 mins. → Point of Descent to Maruyama Senmaida → 0.5 Km 10 mins. →
Senmaida (Oishi) → 1.3 Km 30 mins → Senmaida-Toritoge-iriguchi Bus Stop   

yakiyama-toge At Ushiroji at the foot of Fuden-toge Pass, the Kitayama-michi Path branches off from Hongu-do Road and stretches north to Yoshino. Koyasu-jizo, a stone statue of the guardian deity is enshrined in a stone hut on the pass. About 1 Km before the pass is an old stone path fringed by ferns. Slightly hidden in the forest, there is a viewing platform on the east side of the pass.

yakiyama-toge A roundabout route of Kumano-Yanokawa Road is recommended on your return. As you can enjoy a stunning view of Maruyama Senmaida, thousands of terraced rice paddies
on the sides of the steep mountains.
