We walk Kumano Kodo Street Iseji.

Way of good luck end

The Kumano Kodo Street Iseji latest information

[attention] Witness information of animal which seems to be bear in Kumano Kodo Street "Magose-toge Pass" on June 27, 2016

Communication that we witnessed animal like bear was sent in the neighborhood of Kumano Kodo Street Iseji Magose-toge Pass top (Owase-shi side) at about 11:00 a.m. on June 27, 2016.

Please warn person that Magose-toge Pass is going to walk.


To prevent encounter with bear

・Inform existence of person for Asiatic black bear, and it is effective in letting Asiatic black bear take action to avoid person to carry thing that I hear sounds such as bell, flute, radio.

・It is effective in evading encounter with Asiatic black bear by increase such as activity sound or smell of person including conversation to act in plural people.

・Hearing and sense of smell of Asiatic black bear including mountain path more than sawaen unpleasant ridges, rainy day and day when wind is strong will warn condition to weaken.

・As the evening is time active most of Asiatic black bear early in the morning, attention in particular is necessary.