We walk Kumano Kodo Street Iseji.

Way of good luck end

What's New

We hold Kumano citizen University sixth course (see Manabu Kumano area patrol course in Kumano-shi) on February 5.


We see and, in Manabu Kumano society (the secretariat: Higashikishu Chikishinko Kousha), see as follows and hold Manabu Kumano area patrol course.

For the purpose of having you learn about local charm, we change theme in each municipality of east Kishu and hold local patrol course once a year each, and this course cosponsors with Kumano citizen University sixth course.


From date and time afternoon of Sunday, February 5, 2017 2:00

Place Kumano-shi cultural exchange center multi-purpose room

Burial courtesy ... of ... each place where theme dead person leaves for Potalaka

Manners and customs of burial at sea of potalaka crossing the sea will have story mainly on example reaching this district.

Lecturer Kazuo Ueno (Kushimoto-cho Council for the Protection of Cultural Properties chairperson)

The sponsorship Kumano-shi Board of Education, it seems; Manabu Kumano society (the cosponsorship)

Support Okada culture foundation (foundation furtherance business) 

     Incorporated administrative agency Japan art culture promotion society (promotion society furtherance business)

Inquiry, application

     Kumano-shi Board of Education Social Education Division TEL: 0597-89-4111



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Kumano-shi guidance handbill

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